About Me

My photo
I was born in Britain to Jamaican parents. I'm a mum to my gorgeous son and a fashion and soft furnishings designer. I'm fun loving, totally in love and inspired by my Creator (not religious!!)optimistic and free!!

Info On My Locs

  • Installation Date: 24, 25 & 26 July 08
  • Interlock clock pattern 9,6,9,12
  • Trainee Consultant: Sabrina
  • How Many Hours: 26
  • How Many Days: 3
  • Lock Pattern: 3
  • My Hair Curl Type: Loose and Deep (S-Curl)
  • How Many: 447 (finally took the time out to count them!!)
  • Sisterlock end date: September 2009
  • Traditional Loc Installation Date: March 2010
  • Interlock Pattern: Palm Roll / Coil Twist
  • Consultant: Ezme
  • How Many Hours: 4-6hrs
  • How Many Days:1
  • How Many Locs: 184

Friday, 1 August 2008

On The Path TO Newbieism

Hello there again and i can only apologise for the delay. Now let me tell u my experiance of getting these babies on my head. Now do you remember that i told you i had a trainee putting in these SL's? (if not then u have skipped some haven't u? to the bottom of this page and read it ALL). Well it took Sabrina 3 days. 11 hours on Friday, 10 hours on Saturday and 5 hours on Sunday which makes it 26 hours in total. That's why it has taken me so long to pop up and show u anything, you see my bum refused to sit down, lay down...yes, stand up...yes but this backside was on strike everytime i mentioned the computer. Sorry!!
I left Luton to catch the 0800 train and arrived at my destination just on time for my 0930 appointment. I came prepared, a little Terrry McMillian book that i had started to read on the train. I stopped of in Asda and stocked up on pasta salads and water as this was one of those rare boiling and humid British summer days and around 9 Dvds... Shottas, 500 years, Dancehall Queen and some Blue Mountain plays you know just light comic entertainment, If it had been something more sinister i might have tried new forms of'd be amazed the amount of b.s that can go through your mind when your just sitting there!!!
Sabrina was ready and waiting and i planted my once round and pert bum onto the 'hair chair' in the living room, ran my hands along the natural kinks of my hair just for memories sake and of she went, knitting, crocheting whatever it was she was doing with that hook. By the end of the day the middle and back were complete and to be truthfull i didn't like it yet!!. She assured me that it would look nice i had great textured hair that would give me pretty locks and that the appearance of scalp was minimal...
i didn't care.
I hate to see things half done. Anyway i popped on the head scarf and made my way to a family members house where i had pitched up a tent for the weekend. Now my aunt loved it. She's been doing hair for years but had never heard of sisterlocks. Hearing encouraging words from someone who hadn't just taken £275 seemed alot reassuring to me...i wonder why!
Arrived at Sabrinas' for 10 and off she went making those hands busy, today it was the front and dreaded hairline. We both concluded that this is where if not all then most of the slippage would be and so far we have been prove right (see pics). We had a good ol' natter about everything from personal to public and i soon forgot that i was having my hair done. It was like catching up with a long time friend....who i had just given £275 to do my hair (sounds like i've got an issue with the price huh?)
I was in and out the door relatively quickly. She only had the sides to do and i think it took so long because once again our mouths were running a mile a minute. But u see that's what i like. I have never enjoyed the salon feeling ( a load a people up in ur business and everyone elses) but sitting in a house with someone sooooo nice and talkative brings an extra something special to the whole experiance. I have to come to the conclusion that i came off lightly (you say lightly with what??) The price peeps the price. I totally appreciate the compromise we had to make to acheive this style. You see Sabs has a 3 yr old daughter that she didn't get to spend much time with over that weekend.... just like me and my son, plus in total we had about 30 mins in breaks, it was non stop hard work on her part!! Maybe she should add some zeros to the price it's not like she doesn't deserve long as she knows i wouldn't be paying for it!!!
Anyway all done and did i like it........
I'm being honest i flung that headscarf on my head said my goodbyes and left
Do i like it 3 days later........
........I LOVE IT!!!!
The problem was it was so fine on my head i looked like a female version of pin head!!
She did spray it lightly with water but it just needed time. Plus i am soooo happy i gave my head that 2 tone colour, the effect looks hot!!. I can almost guarntee that its only gonna get better as the days progress into weeks, months and years
So what are you waiting for huh?????
Here is a little preperation advice

Bring a comfortable pillow to sit on

Sit on your bum not your tail bone....DO NOT SLOUCH!!

Have a big breakfast to keep you going

Talking helps the time fly by if not...

...Bring a book that you are just starting to read (it'll be finished by the time your hair is!)

Wear comfortable shoes....just trust me on that one!!

Make sure you have someone to give you a good back rub...

...neck rub

...shoulder rub

...wherever else is hurting rub

Take the next day will not believe how exhausting sitting can be

You may not like it at first but give it a day or two and you will LOVE IT!!


Nubian1 said...


The pictures look great. You're never going to believe what's happening in my still penning it.

Stay blessed sisterlock girl!

JUST Euphoria said...

welcome to the family, it looks absolutly beautiful I am so excited your colour is beautiful and your locking day tips and advice are right on point we did mine in a one day sitting and boy my butt was numb, and thanks for dropping by and visiting my web page. I think you have introduced alot of bloggers to the pyzam website they have hot layouts.

Angel Locs said...

Lovin the color, I love ready all the SL's blogs. You all are so inspiring, can't wait to get this TWA(tiny weany afro) lockd up. Still have growth to get to before getting my SL's, I am also going to get locked by a training she has shown me her work, I love it and she's doing the micro SL's. Thanks for sharing about the comfort wear, been there with micro braids sat for 18 hours...I know the pain, but I am willing and ready to sit for my SL's.

I am adding you to my blog..

Thanks newbie in waiting
Angel Locs

Chelle27 said...

Congratulations on your journey. I shall be joining the train this time next week. Your blog is so inspiring and I plan to make use of all the tips you have given especially the patience an give it time.