I wasn't planning to post anything more this week but i washed my hair and i cannot believe the difference. Look i'm smiling.....i hardly ever take a pic with a smile on my face and here i am beaming. Trust me my locs have never looked so straight and individual after being washing.
My hair looks GREAT...WOW!!!!
Even Shan has been compilmenting it and i could tell he was beginning to have his doubts due to the amount of slippage i had been experiancing.
How nice to have a man who shares his opinons (sometimes too often and too brutal but nonetheless... its shared!
Just for those of you who don't know what i'm talking about here are a few pics for you to compare.
Below are a couple of pics after my first ever SL wash, Some serious curls going on huh?
What a massive difference (maybe i am exaggerating a tiny bit but i'm excited so leave me to it! lol) in the space of a matter of months...from the beginning ofAugust to the end of September
Yep your locks are finally coming into their own.
Lovely smile E, you should do it more often....smiling that is...
No wonder there was a great silent period we all experienced from you. You had your work cut out with the amount of slippage you had to deal with. Still its been worth it eh?
So are we all to assume we are going to see lots more pics of styles etc etc?
Oh yes N1 i'm currently plaiting my hair ready to check out the braid out and then i might do the bantu knots look.
I'm stared to get very excited.
The only thing is i don't wanna get too ahead of myself and the next thing you know i've gone and caused more slippage!!
Oh trust me i do smile...just when all the cameras are pointing in another direction!!
look at u modeling and stuff - u even the photographer skillz lol
Your toooo funny!!!
Your hair looks great! Congratulation.
Thank you so much Alaiyo
Hey I am with Nubian you have a nice smile show it to the world ...Thanks for the encouragement the banding thing is going to be a challange at least until I get some length.
Thanks again...
And keep smiling your hair looks lovely...oh, yeah having a guy who supports you is a plus even when we don't want the hear what they have to say...LMAO
Peace Ezme
Thanks Angel for your words of encouragement
omg, you are sooo gorgeous!!!!
Poison Ivy
U got me blushing!!!
looking good ezme I am glad to see ya smiling you your smile adds a glow to your already beautiful face I love the head band very creative and your locks are coming along at a very fast paced, I didn't experience that with traditional locks.
I really appreciate the color. It looks like they are coming along nicely.
Hey Ezme
Just wanted to thank you for the very warm welcome to SL world. You and so many others have been my encouragement I am sure we all will continue to be an encouragement and strength for each other.
Loving my SL's
Hey girl, digging your sisterlocks and designs! Keep it up!
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