Was inspired by so many natural and beautiful women of colour to do this blog. Most of it will be about the hair journey i'm about to commence, some of it will be about my everyday life. I look forward to sharing it with you!! Please seek out my permission before copying pics, Thanks.
But what caused the absence in the first place i hear u cry Weeeeeeeeelllllllllll!!!
Posted by Ezme at 04:49 3 comments
I'm sorry but what the f**k is going on!!!
I remember this foolishness being around when i was a teen but i never thought these notions still existed. I totally understand the history of the 'light skin woman', but i can tell you now that i'm not favored ( well not in this country) over jobs, men or the bank manager because of the lightness of my skin.
I remember as a child my dad being ashamed of my complexion ( he is a very dark skinned man who came from a very light skinned woman!!) Whenever the sun came out he wanted me naked, beached whaled, lapping up the rays. My mum who is light skinned has got the most gorgeous broad nose eva and so would be excepted as black but with my straight nose bridge i didn't get off as lightly!! The lightness of my skin was not something that i really noticed untill others pointed it out to me. I was raised to believe that i was a black woman. ' Girl' my mum used to say "Your gonna have to work twice as hard in this life cos your black and a woman' she never once said ' Girl your light skin.. men will fall at your feet, jobs will come easy in fact just sit back, it will all come to you!!'
Why do i feel that i need to apologise for being a redder tone??
Why do i feel so angry when this s**t is brought up??
I still face rascism and rejection like everyone else. I even face confusion..
'Is she mixed?',
'Who's white your mum your your dad??'
'You know what girl for years i thought you were mixed race!!',
'Why are you locing up your hair i bet its pretty!!',
'Oh! i didn't know you had a son! Does he have green eyes??'
I repeat........... What the f**k!!!
The distressing part is that these questions or blatant displays of ignorance comes from my own black women
Talking to a lot of my friends who have a darker comlexion, ( i only have one friend who shares the same complexion as me and these same issues) they seem to have lifes where the colour is not an issue which amazes me eveytime i hear it. I know you may find this hard to believe but they have never been called a rasist name!!! I know i know baffling cos i have!!. There complexion has never been an issue, they have alot of acceptance and don't move in the circles where ignorance and bigotry is prolific. I suppose when your light skinned caucasions may feel that you are a part of them in some why and as a child can get close enough to insult...... i don't know i'm just pulling ideas out of the air!!
Listen up..... I am sure that in every race there are women and men who have big egos. Personally i do believe that the first person anyone needs to love is themselves.......or is that a LSW (light skinned woman) thing lol!!!
My granny used to say that 'there is a plaster for every sore' so im sure there are men out there who love woman from any and every race not just us LSW.
Well i for one is fed up with facing these prejudice comments from my own peeps
For those who have this negative and damaging thought process.... It' s time to fix up!!
I'm done with apologising!!!
Posted by Ezme at 00:36 2 comments
6. Music. If i hadn't had Nay Nays this one would be at the top spot. It soothes my soul, awakens my spirit and cools my temper.
Posted by Ezme at 05:02 2 comments
Labels: kreativ blogger award
Posted by Ezme at 08:50 2 comments
Labels: condtioner, corkscrew, mango and lime, oil, perm rollers, review, setting lotion, shampoo, soft rollers
I wished i had taken some pics of the back of this hair style. I had used my xl sponge rollers and curled by whole head. I then flat twisted only two rows at the sides and joined them together at back of my head making sure the curls above it hung losely covering the knot. I then done a large flat twist at the back moving form the left to the right ( you can just make out the clip holding it up). The whole style from taking out the rollers to the finished product took no less than 10 mins. Oh yeah asnd finally you all can see the colour.
Posted by Ezme at 00:56 7 comments
Posted by Ezme at 07:51 2 comments
Labels: band and braid, budding, diy, hair dye